Steel Barrels Manufacturers Suppliers Exporters

View In Major Cities :

Mumbai Thane

THANE - 400705 ,INDIA
Contact Person: MR.DINESH MAV
Tel No. 022 - 27635504 / 65081484 / 8104051755 / 8104063228 / 9967029966
Manufacturers of M.S/G.I. Epoxy Coated and Zinc Plated Drums ( from 5 Lit. to 100 Lit.) and Drums Accessories Like Drum Capseals, Capsealing Machine For packing of Chemicals, Adhes...More
MUMBAI - 400092 ,INDIA
Contact Person: MR. VINOD KUMAR
Tel No. 022 - 28067594 , 95 , 28647506
Manufacturers of industrial packaging solutions, Top Steel Barrels, Steel Plastic Barrels, Plastic Barrels. ...More
MUMBAI - 400004 ,INDIA
Tel No. 022 - 23876530
Mfg. & Exporters Of Stainless Steel, M.S. Tin, Metal Container, Drum, Conical Drum, Machinery Plant, Dies . ...More