Magnetic Stirrer With Hotplate Manufacturers Suppliers Exporters

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Mumbai Nashik

NASHIK - 422011 ,INDIA
Contact Person: MR. HUZAIFA
Tel No. 0 - 9677296252
Manufacturing of Blood Bank Equipment's, Plant Growth Chambers, Environmental Chambers, Vacuum System and Solar Refrigeration. Arabidopsis Chambers, Blood Donor Bed Couch, Blood D...More
MUMBAI - 400002 ,INDIA
Contact Person: MR. SAHIL GOYAL (CEO)
Tel No. 022 - 66159579
Dealer, Manufacture and Supplier of Laboratory and Scientific Equipment. Autoclave, Autoclave Vertical, Automatic Autoclave, Centrifuge, Centrifuge Digital, Colony Counter, Colon...More
MUMBAI - 400093 ,INDIA
Contact Person: MS. YUGA VILAS SURVE
Tel No. 022 - 26876380
Glass Distillation Apparatus, Laboratory Centrifuge, Magnetic Stirrer with Hot Plate, Vacuum Pumps cum Compressor. ...More