Garment Lables And Accessories

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Mumbai Navi Mumbai

Contact Person: MR. HARESH C RAJANI
Tel No. 022 - 27615161
Labels Printing Services/ Barcode Label-Woven Labels For Garments/ Garment Label-Designer Label. ...More
Contact Person: MR. PRADEEP PONDKE
Tel No. - 9619614327
PU Labels, Woven Labels, Garment Tag. ...More
MUMBAI - 400080 ,INDIA
Contact Person: MR. RAJU
Tel No. 0 - 9820207405
Manufacturer of Garment Labels, Stickers, Tag, Printing In Multi Colour on Polyester Cotton and Satin Tap. ...More
MUMBAI - 400059 ,INDIA
Contact Person: MR. SALIM
Tel No. - 9820598119
Wholesaler of products like Garment Labels, Printed Tags, Fabric Ribbons, Cotton Cord, Fabric Tapes, Narrow Woven Fabric. ...More
AGRA - 282007 ,INDIA
Contact Person:
Tel No. 0562 - 2458400, 402, 429, 430
Manufacturer & Exporter Of Ladies Fashion Accessories Like Bags, Belts, Hair Accessories, Brooches, Cuffs, Jewellery, Clutches, Coin Purses, Wallets And Garment Accessories Like Ne...More

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