Compound Microscope Manufacturers Suppliers Exporters

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MUMBAI - 400002 ,INDIA
Contact Person: MR. SAHIL GOYAL (CEO)
Tel No. 022 - 66159579
Dealer, Manufacture and Supplier of Laboratory and Scientific Equipment. Autoclave, Autoclave Vertical, Automatic Autoclave, Centrifuge, Centrifuge Digital, Colony Counter, Colon...More
AMBALA - 133001 ,INDIA
Contact Person:
Tel No. - 9466409560
Manufacturer of Microscope, Compound Microscope, Life Science Microscope, Industrial Microsoft. ...More
DELHI - 110007 ,INDIA
Contact Person: MR. RAKESH GUPTA
Tel No. - 9818002270
Manufacturer & Supplier of all types of Laboratory Equipment, Scientific Instruments, Chemicals, Glassware, etc. used in Schools, Colleges, Hospitals & Industries, Ammeter, Voltmet...More