Clean Room Devices Manufacturers Suppliers Exporters

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Mumbai Thane

MUMBAI - 400072 ,INDIA
Contact Person: MR. SHAMIM KHAN
Tel No. - 9833126676
Manufacturer of all types of fabrication and sheet metallic works in Stainless Steel, material:- Pharmaceutical, Chemicals, Formulations, IPC, Bunkars, Fabrication, S. S. Sheet Met...More
THANE - 400607 ,INDIA
Contact Person: MR. SUNIL BHAVSAR - DIR.
Tel No. 022 - 25409797 / 49711649 / 9821245761
Laboratory Instruments, Binocular Microscope, Analytrical Instruments, Validation Services, Clean room Equipment, Scientific Equipment & Instruments,Clinical Lab Equipments. ...More
MUMBAI - 400091 ,INDIA
Tel No. 022 - 28670544, 28695612, 28695614
Leading Companies Engaged In Architectural Designing, Planning, Installation, Cleanroom Devices, Commissioning & Turnkey Construction Services For Cleanroom Systems And Devices. ...More