Bonding Agents Manufacturers Suppliers Exporters

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Navi Mumbai Mumbai Pune

Contact Person: DR. MADAN K. KAMAT (CEO)
Tel No. 022 - 27782923 / 24
Reinforcement Coating and Protection/Sealants/ Protective Coating for Steel/Reinforcement Bar corrosion Protection/Repair mortars and binders/ Fibre wrapping system Polymer, Epoxy...More
Contact Person:
Tel No. - 9702380395
we offer Admixtures Superplasticizer, Pavement Tiles Coating Chemicals and Waterproofing and Weather Protection Chemicals, trader of construction chemical, pavement blocks essentia...More
PUNE - 411046 ,INDIA
Contact Person: MR. PRANEEL P. DOSHI
Tel No. - 7775049049
Waterproofing Chemical, Tile Adhesive, Polysulphide Sealant, Fosroc Waterproofing Chemicals, Bonding Agent, Sbr Latex, Epoxy Adhesives, Bostik Construction Chemical, Anchor Fastene...More
MUMBAI - 400063 ,INDIA
Contact Person: MR. SHASHIKANT
Tel No. 022 - 26864662
Tackifiers, Resins, Rubbers, Bonding Agents. Anti-Oxidants, PU Monomers, Release Coat. ...More