Hotel Equipments Exporters Manufacturers Suppliers in Thane

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All Mumbai Kolhapur Palghar Pune Sangli

THANE - 401104 ,INDIA
Address: Gala No.5, Raj Bucket Factory Compound, Nr.Ghod Bunder Village, Ghod Bunder Rd., Post Mira Rd.(E), Thane - 401104
Tel No. 022 - 65551000
Manufacturing, Exporting And Supplying Of Specialty Equipment & Furniture For Pharmaceutical,Biotechnology,Hotel,Commercial Kitchen & Hospital. ...More
THANE - 401107 ,INDIA
Address: D-328, Shanti Shopping Center, Near Railway Station, Miraroad, Thane - 401107
Tel No. - 9820461403
Supplier of Hotel Equipment. ...More