Bees Wax Exporters Manufacturers Suppliers in Mumbai

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MUMBAI - 400071 ,INDIA
Address: 1210, Signature Business Park, K.A. Gaikwad Marg, Postal Colony, Chembur, Mumbai - 400071
Tel No. 0 - 9820217062
Manufacturing & Export-Trading Group With A Global Footprint & Interests Spread Across Diverse Product Groups And Activities, Including Specialty Petroleum Products Like Petroleum ...More
MUMBAI - 400003 ,INDIA
Address: 303, Swasti House, 70 Kazi Sayeed Street, Narshi Nath Street, Mumbai - 400003
Tel No. - 9819844084
Bee Wax, Emulsifying Wax, Micro Wax, Slack Wax, Table Wax, carnauba Wax, Candle Wax, Casting Wax, Petrolium Jelly, Slack Wax. ...More