Sensors Exporters Manufacturers Suppliers in Aurangabad

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Address: 28, Bhagyashri, Shrinath Colony, Dr. Parnerkar Maharaj Marg, Paithan, Dist: Auranagabd - 431107
Tel No. 0240 - 6502356
Manufacturer of Product Control Equipment, Sensor & Transmitter for: Level, Pressure, Flow, Temperature, Humidity, Conductivity, Ph, Air Velocity, Differential Pressure etc. Contro...More
Address: GA-02,Orange Pride,kinwansara Estate,Opp.Abbas Petrol Pump, CIDCO Waluj Mahanagar-1, Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar-431136
Tel No. - 9323405834 / 8149922932
All types of Testing and Measuring Instruments. Electrical, Electronics, Mechanical, Instrumentation, Hydraulic, Pneumatic, Flow, Level, Pressure, Temperature Measuring Instruments...More
Address: Plot No. A-42, F-3, Aurangabad Co-operative Industrial Estate, Railway Station, Vedant Nagar, Aurangabad - 431001,
Tel No. - 9822056500
Auto Sliding Door, Remote Receivers, Boom Barrier, Sensors, Sliding Gate Motor, High Speed Doors, Entrance Gate Automation, Automatic Gate, Traffic Signal, Sectional Door. ...More
Address: Shop No. 1 & 2, Ved Compound, Thakurdas Gin Factory, Mondha Road, Aurangabad - 431 001
Tel No. 0240 - 2333001
Welding-Cons. / Electrodes / Equipments, Industrial Gases, Ultra Sonic Equipments, Nickel and Speciality Alloys, Compressed Air Dryers & Air Receivers, Industrial Canteen Division,...More
Address: P - 39, FDC Corner, MIDC, Waluj, Aurangabad - 431136
Tel No. 240 - 2553396 / 9960653310 / 738540580
Manufacturers Of Industrial Automation Systems, AC Drive, CNC Controller, PLC, Temo. Controller, HMI / MMI, Timers / Counters / Tachometers / SMPS, Laser Marker, Comm Module, Encod...More