Oxides Manufacturers Suppliers Exporters

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KANPUR - 208007 ,INDIA
Contact Person: MR. MEHUL BANSAL
Tel No. - 7497903703
Manufacturer, Wholesaler and Trader of Talc Powder, Lead Stearate, Titanium Dioxide, Oxide Powder, Zinc Stabilizer, Lead Stearate, Polyethylene Wax, Talc Powder, Zinc Stearate, Alu...More
Contact Person:
Tel No. 0866 - 2143955,9121230001
Adhesives, Construction Chemicals, Hand Sanitizers, Oxides Paints . ...More
Contact Person: MR. VISHAL GOLCHHA
Tel No. 033 - 22250072/ 661-2400056
Manufactures Iron Oxide Pigments. We also Manufacture High Quality Oxide Flooring Colours. ...More